Join hosts Ian and Matt as they explore the high seas of board games, tabletop games, role playing games and anything else you play around a table with friends. From reviews to deep dives into mechanics and themes, the Dice Pirates are determined to chart every corner of the board gaming hobby.

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Captain's Log August 23rd: Big Troubles in Board Gaming
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
It's time for another news roundup, and this time Aaron and Ian cover the Perfectly Wretched Villainous expansion, Magic the Gathering decks getting copyrighted, and the ongoing battle between Reiner Knizia and Grail Games
New Releases
The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
Villainous: Perfectly Wretched Expand-alone
Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, Mother Gothel from Tangled, and Pete from Steamboat Willie.
A Magic The Gathering deck has been copyrighted
Gencon will require masks for everybody
Knizia pulls all upcoming titles
Ashley Taylor’s statement on Broken Token
Cephalofair games seeks a new company for insert for Frosthaven after allegations surface over Broken Token CEO
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Ep: 21 - Video Games for Board Gamers
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
This week, the crew is once again joined by fan-favorite Aaron to discuss something a little off topic - video games! We talk about a slept-on Eric Lang hit, everyone’s favorite kitchen backsplash simulator, and our current roguelike deck building obsession.
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:36] Matt ponders why The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire was sent to sleep with the fishes
[00:07:09] Ian announces that he has finally joined the cult of Kickstarter with Avatar Legends
[00:08:46] Aaron sings a funeral dirge for CMON Expo and The Legion
[00:11:34] Ian shares some truly awful takes in Bitter Board Gamers
[00:19:02] Aaron starts off our main topic with discussion of Slay the Spire, and it’s oft-forgotten predecessor, Dream Quest
[00:33:33] Ian strategically moves into our next game, Into The Breach
[00:39:08] Aaron deduces the next topic, Among Us
[00:42:51] Honorable mentions: Gnosis, Solitairica, Demeo
[00:46:55] Outro
Other Games Discussed This Episode: Azul, Blood Rage
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Captain's Log August 9th: A News Show
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Aaron and Ian return for another news roundup, including the wild success of the Avatar: The Legends Kickstarter, Tasty Minstrel Games going bankrupt, and the recent controversy surrounding Games Workshop
New Releases
-Horrified: American Monsters
-G I Joe Deck Building game
-Dune: Betrayal (by the designer of The Resistance)
-Wotc and WizKids releasing a line of modular, sprue based minis for ttrpgs
-Upcoming kickstarter for Avatar the Last Airbender
Reached 2.6 million after 48 hours
-Tasty Minstrel Games may be shutting down, according to Dice Tower News (haven't found anything else to corroborate this yet)
-Head of Z man games taking new position in Asmodee. Founder of Plan B Games, Sophie Gravel will be taking
-Games Workshop not paying their employees enough?
-Games Workshop shutting down fan animations to make way for their own new streaming site
-Games Workshop gives employees a $7000 bonus after big pandemic sales, as well so increased profit shares equal to ~$1000
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Ep: 20 - How to be a Dungeon Master w/@EpicJim
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
On today’s episode, Matt & Ian are joined by EpicJim in a spirited discussion about role-playing games, running your very first session as a Dungeon master, the importance of not over prepping for sessions, and whether or not Batman truly is Lawful Good!
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:07] Jim introduces himself and talks about his experience points with D&D and his truly GLORIOUS gaming dungeon!
{00:04:00] Ian opens the soap box with a discussion of international logistics and how that is effecting board games and specifically Kickstarter games
[00:06:26] Matt talks about MÖRK BORG and how it is lighting up the OSR scene
[00:13:10] Jim discusses the recent Magic: the Gathering / Dungeons & Dragons crossover
[00:18:14] Ian brings us a new game: The Good, The Bad, and The Neutral
[00:22:17] How to be a good dungeon master
[00:33:40] The best things to have as a DM
[00:36:47] The crew tackle the best way to handle combat
[00:44:39] How to use “The Rule of Cool” responsibly
[00:52:30] What are all the best parts of being the DM?
[00:58:52] Outro
Find Jim on Instagram @EpicJim
The Lazy Dungeon Master - by Michael E. Shea
Running The Game - Youtube Series by Matthew Colville
The Monsters Know What They're Doing - Keith Ammond Blog on running intelligent combat
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Captain's Log 7/26: A News Show
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Aaron and Ian debut a new show to bring you the latest in board gaming releases, expansions, and news! Check out the show notes for links to the games and news mentioned.
Upcoming releases
Z-Man Games and Blizzard announce World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, a Pandemic-style game set in the world of Azeroth. Now available to preorder on Blizzard’s website
Horrible Guild announced a follow-up to King’s Dilemma, the appropriately titled Queen’s Dilemma, featuring a new world map and promises of more tracks to manage and even wilder and more powerful event cards to keep players on their toes.
Catan: Treasures, Dragons, & Adventurers
(Catan Studios)
Between Two Castles: Secrets & Soirees
(Stonemaier Games)
Dice Tower announced their awards for 2020, with notable highlights being their GOTY - The Crew: Quest for Planet Nine (a co-op trick taking game in the same vein as Hanabi or The Mind)
Spiel de Jahres winners announced
Spiel de Jahres - MicroMacro: Crime City
Kennerspiel des Jahres - Paleo
CMON quietly announces through an update on the Marvel United X-Men KS campaign that they will no longer be selling or shipping Kickstarters to Norway, due to an update of their postal regulations.
Three of the largest board game conventions, Essen Spiel, UKGE & Gen Con have announced that they will require either face coverings or proof of COVID vaccination
Reiner Knizia cuts ties with Grail Games publisher due to a breach of contract
Watch it played & SU&SD both celebrate 10 years
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Ep: 19 - Co-op games w/@GnarlyCarleyGaming
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
The crew are joined this week by the one and only GnarlyCarley! They break down some great cooperative games from across the genre, and chat about the challenges of playing board games online, the benefits of dice vs cards, and avoiding quarterbacking “board game bullies”.
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:06] Carley talks about how she got started gaming and her journey through Instagram
[00:05:40] Matt brings some *spicy* takes about Sushi Roll and almost gets mutinied by Carley
[00:13:05] Carley talks about her recent experience playing Blood on the Clocktower
[00:19:33] Ian tries to stump Matt & Carley in this week’s Bitter Board Gamers
[00:27:47] The friendly, helpful joy of Cooperative games
[00:30:40] Carley starts us off with a discussion of Pandemic: Legacy
[00:38:44] Matt continues the Leacock love with the Forbidden Island trilogy
[00:42:15] Carley takes us on an adventure through Robinson Crusoe
[00:48:27] Matt reveals himself as the hidden traitor and takes us through semi-coop games with Dead of Winter
[00:52:52] Carley betrays us with a talk about Nemesis
[00:59:45] Carley sets sail with Sleeping Gods
[01:05:10] Ian investigates 1 vs All games with Scotland Yard
[01:10:20] Matt rounds out the show with his number 1 coop, Spirit Island
[01:19:05] Outro
Find Carley on Instagram @GnarlyCarleyGaming, with a YouTube channel coming soon!
Other Games Discussed this Episode: Terra Mystica, Sushi Go, Parks, Gloomhaven, Not Alone,
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Ep: 18 - The Board Game Renaissance
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
The Dice Pirates are back from hiatus (joined by special guest Aaron) and Ian walks us through the history and meteoric rise in popularity of modern board gaming! We talk about some terrible games from when you were a kid, Germany’s role in both creating some of what are still the most popular games, how they almost stopped Risk from releasing, and the shifting styles of popular games over the years.
[00:00:00] Intros
[00:01:36] Matt talks Tsuro, and the joy of “simple” games
[00:08:03] Ian discusses some recent controversy with Prison Architect
[00:17:34] Ian surprises the crew with a new segment, Rulebook Randomness
[00:22:07] The Renaissance of Board Games
[00:25:08] Family games paving the way
[00:28:13] Germany’s significance and impact on modern games
[00:42:33] The Holy Trinity of modern games and some great years for games
[00:52:42] Social media’s part in the growth of the hobby
[01:01:31] Where are we know, and what does the future hold?
[01:07:15] Outro
Other Games Discussed This Episode: Here I Stand, The Omega Virus, Settlers of Catan, Munchkin, Carcassonne, Dominion, Pandemic, Cards Against Humanity
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday May 30, 2021
Ep: 17 - Is Kickstarter Good for Board Games? w/ Jamey Stegmaier
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
This week, Ian & Matt are joined once again by regular guest Aaron to discuss the importance of cultural consultants, some truly eye-watering Kickstarter numbers, and the effects Kickstarter has had on the board game industry. Also featuring an exclusive interview with Jamey Stegmaier of Stonemaier Games!
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:23] Soap Box - Issac Childres hires a Cultural Consultant for Frosthaven
[00:12:17] Soap Box - Ian talks about an upcoming Sign Language inspired TTRPG, Inspirisles
[00:15:27] Kickin’ It with Aaron! - The Crew talks some hard numbers about Kickstarter
[00:25:11] Kickstarter: Are We Good?
[00:26:50] Aaron talks about his history with Kickstarter and his thoughts on the industry
[00:31:43] Jamey Stegmaier joins us to discuss the lessons he’s learned over the years, both as a game designer and game backer on Kickstarter
[00:56:32] How to make smart choices when backing a Kickstarter
[01:00:53] Ian talks about the toxicity that killed a Warframe-inspired TTRPG
[01:10:31] Outro
A huge thank you once again to Jamey Stegmaier for giving us even more time than he promised and for being such a phenomenal guest!
A brief programming note: the podcast will be taking some time off as Ian prepares to move, but don’t change that dial! We’ll be back before you know it.
Other games discussed this episode: Exploding Kittens, Fog of Love, Gloomhaven, Warframe
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday May 16, 2021
Ep: 16 - Epic Fantasy Games w/ @WhenHarryMetBoardGames
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Ian & Matt are joined by special guest Harry from When Harry Met Board Games to discuss their feelings on board game awards, how much math is *too* much math, as well as some of their favorite fantasy adventure games!
[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:34] 2020 BoardGameGeek Golden Geek Awards
[00:13:36] Bitter Boardgamers
[00:22:21] When Harry Met Board Games Introduction
[00:26:32] Early Fantasy Adventure Games (Magic Realm, Talisman, Hero Realms)
[00:33:26] Harry deals out Thunderstone Quest
[00:40:19] The Crew punches through Gloomhaven
[00:52:00] Harry unpacks One Deck Dungeon
[01:00:22] Matt FINALLY gets to talk about Runebound!
[01:16:43] Outro
A huge thank you again to Harry for taking the time to hang out with us!
When Harry Met Board Games on YouTube:
When Harry Met Board Games on Instagram:
Other games discussed this episode: Sushi Go, Elder Sign, Call to Adventure
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"

Sunday May 02, 2021
Ep: 15 - The Great Mars Episode
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
This week, our fearless captains Matt & Ian are joined by return guest Max and long time listener, first time caller Dr. Dennis to discuss the terrible effects of scurvy & the endless attempts in boardgaming to explore, terraform, and colonize Mars! Featuring two seminal titles in this space, Terraforming Mars & On Mars.
[00:00:00] Introductions
[00:01:33] Soapbox - Eric Lang’s challenge against the current idea of a “gateway game”
[00:15:14] Soapbox - Terraforming Mars Big Box 3D Tiles Review Bombing
The wooden tiles for Terraforming Mars mentioned by Matt: Strata Strike / www.stratastrike.com
[00:20:29] Soapbox - Tyrants of the Underdark Second Edition coming soon
[00:26:04] Two Games Enter, One Game Leaves! Terraforming Mars VS On Mars
[00:27:47] Terraforming Mars Breakdown & Discussion
[00:44:52] On Mars Breakdown & Discussion
[01:00:26] The Showdown
[01:09:08] Outro
- Intro and Outro Music - "A Robust Crew by Darren Curtis"